Jacquelyn Bogue Foundation
For Suicide Prevention In Orange County
Save A Life Save The Universe

Orange County, CA (OC SOS) - Support Group for Survivors led by Jeri Livingstone and hosted at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA. This group is non-denominational and no charge. Call Crystal Cathedral Care Ministry @ (714) 971-4032, or Jeri at home @ (714)539-1429. http://www.geocities.com/survivorsofsuicide/
LA Suicide Prevention Center, Survivor After Groups (SAS) Offers a support program which is an eight week support group comprised of six to ten people who have lost someone to suicide. The group meets weekly for 1 1/2 hours. http://www.suicidepreventioncenter.org/support
SPAN USA has Survivor Support Link devoted solely to survivors of a loved ones suicide. Go to web site and click on Survivor Support: http://www.spanusa.org/index
American Association of Suicidology has a Survivors Division devoted solely to survivors concerns. Go to web site and click on Survivors:
American Federation of Suicide Prevention has an extensive section on surviving suicide loss. Go to the Home page and click on Surviving Suicide Loss. http://www.afsp.org/
1-800-273-TALK (8255) The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a 24-hour, 7-days a week, toll-free suicide prevention service available to anyone in crisis, or anyone helping someone who is thinking about suicide.
Hopeline Center provides suicide intervention, prevention, survivors support information; and, is the original founder of 1-800-SUICIDE, which now links to the national hotline above. All incoming calls on either number are immediately routed to the crisis center closest to callers location. http://www.hopeline.com/
The New Hope Crisis Counseling Center, staffed by trained, Christian counselors, is a 24 hour/7days a week telephone counseling center sponsored by Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California.
2-1-1 Orange County is a comprehensive information and referral system that links residents to community health and human services, and support: In the event that someone calls 2-1-1 in a non threatening suicidal crisis they will be referred to the national suicide hotline : http://www.211oc.org/
9-1-1, the universal emergency telephone number system, may always be called in a suicidal crisis which is a life threatening emergency: http://www.nena.org/
SPAN CA is California state wide organization that created The State Strategy for Suicide Prevention in 2004; and, currently has three members serving on the California Suicide Prevention Advisory Committee in Sacramento. http://www.spanusa.org/
SPAN USA is national organization that support survivors' loss and help them turn it into positive action to prevent future suicides. http://www.spanusa.org/
Yellow Ribbon Teen Suicide Prevention Program, Light for Life Foundation of Southern California is a teen suicide prevention organization based in San Diego, CA. http://www.yellowribbonsd.org/
Yellow Ribbon Teen Suicide Prevention International Program founded by Dar and Dale Emme, in honor of their son Mike, is a community-based program using a universal public health approach. This program empowers and educates professionals, adults and youth. http://www.yellowribbon.org/
National Organization of People of Color Against Suicide works to stop suicide in minority communities. http://www.nopcas.com/
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) provides prevention support, training, and resources to assist organizations and individuals to develop suicide prevention programs, interventions and policies, and to advance the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention. http://www.sprc.org/
The American Federation of Suicide Prevention (AFSP) funds research, education and treatment programs aimed at the prevention of suicide. AFSP also provides support for survivors. http://www.afsp.org/American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
American Association of Suicidology (AAS) was founded in 1968 and promotes research, public education, and training with its publications, bookstore, list serve, and annual conference. Suicidology is the scientific study of suicide that is over 40 years old. http://www.suicidology.org/index.cfm
Center for Disease Control provides statistics on suicide. Go to Home page and type in suicide in home site search: http://www.cdc.gov/
WISQARSTM (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System) is an interactive database system that provides customized reports of injury-related data, including suicide. It is maintained by the federal agency, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. http://www.cdc.gov/ncipe/wisqars/

Disclaimer: These websites are reliable and reputable sources of information on suicide prevention, intervention and post vention. All the links from these sites have not been screened and this is not an official endorsement. However, the parent organizations of these websites are nationally recognized as a reputable source of information. This information is provided as a resource and does not constitute an endorsement for any group. It is the responsibility of the reader to decide whether a group is appropriate for his/her needs.